Taskcard 2: "Change effects (colour, etc), Press key and Wait ? sec.

Taskcard 1: "Movement, Looping (repeat/forever) and Bouncing on Edge" Lisa Bergin, Katie Brown, and Nelson Chan have developed a series of task cards and accompanying video tutorials that will help students acquire beginner to intermediate Scratch skills. The Ottawa Catholic School offers Scratch workshops to grade 6 students.

Curricular Areas: Computer Science, Engineering, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Science, Social Studies, Teacher Education, Technology, Visual Arts, Other Simplicity: We need to start developing the most straightforward features first, and then later, we should move to the problematic and extra functionalities.Content Types: Activity, Audio and Video, Curriculum, Handout, Tutorial, Website.
Taskcard 2 reviews professional#
Education Level: Preschool and Kindergarten, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College and University, Professional Development, Other.

2.OA.A.1 Addition & subtraction within 100 2.OA.B.2 Fluently add. Hi All I'm would like to announce that TaskCard v1.